Welcome! A tiny seed... takes root in our child's heart It grows and grows... and produces fruit. Let's plant and nurture the best seeds in them!

"Most People think you have to give up so much to homeschool... In reality... you gain so much more."


Homeschool Day at Fort Ticonderoga

Date – Time

September 8, 2023 – 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Fort Ticonderoga
102 Fort Ti Rd.
Ticonderoga, NY 12883 US

Additional Information

Fort Ticonderoga will host Homeschool Day for homeschool students and their parents on Friday, September 8, 2023 from 10 am-5:00 pm. Visitors will participate in interactive and immersive programs, visit museum exhibitions, and explore the historic site, including the King’s Garden, Carillon Battlefield Hiking Trail, and the Heroic Corn Maze. Other special opportunities will also be available during the “To Act as One United Body” program and aboard the Carillon tour boat. (Additional tickets required for the boat cruise.)

Special this year, Homeschool Day will feature the story of 1760 as participants experience the unfolding story as British soldiers and American provincials prepare on land and Lake Champlain for their last campaign, deep into the heart of French Canada.

Discover the beauty of the King’s Garden and create your own special memories through watercolors or roll up your sleeves to help tend the vegetables and flowers.  Find your way through towering stalks of corn by answering history clues in the new 2023 Heroic Corn Maze design!

Pre-registration is not required, please be prepared to purchase your tickets upon arrival at the Admissions Booth. Cost is $7/student, 1 Parent is Free, $15 Additional parent. To get this rate, mention Homeschool Day when purchasing tickets.